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About Us

Area 13 Day Camp is a week-long Girl Scout day camp held at Camp Shantituck in Shepherdsville, KY. Girls ages 5-18 spend the week learning more about the outdoors, camping, themselves, and Girl Scouts as a whole. 


Day Camp 101

Girls will spend this week enjoying the outdoors at Shantituck, all while learning about important women in history that have shaped our world. Our goal as Girl Scouts is to empower young women to be who they want to be and whatever they want to be. Learning about these women who have changed the world in their lives will inspire girls of all ages to get out there and be their best selves. 


Wednesday Night Overnight

Juniors and above are invited to stay overnight on Wednesday night. They will sleep in a tent or a cabin, and participate in fun activities after the normal camp day ends.


After some extra swim time, pizza will be served, followed by a night full of dance parties, skits, games, ice cream, and so much more!


We understand that some girls might be a little nervous to stay away from home, but we encourage girls to stay the entire night. Our adult volunteers and aides are fully equipped and trained to keep your daughters safe overnight while having the time of their lives.

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